Submit a Proposal to Become a Speaker! Submission Process

Proposal Submission Process

The following information is required to submit a continuing education workshop or course proposal for the Firefly Institute:

Required Presenter Information: 
• Each presenter(s) contact information, credentials and title
o Presenter/co-presenter must have a master’s degree or higher in a mental health field
o A brief biography for each presenter
o Current CV/Resume for each presenter
o Picture (head-shot) for each presenter

Required Presentation Details: 
• Presentation title 
• Workshop overview
• Learning objectives. Measurable objectives that describe what the attendee will need to know or be able to do as a result of attending the workshop. See APA “writing behavioral objectives and assessments” for guidance. (link provided below)
o For workshops seeking to meet additional requirements for APT credits, the term ‘play therapy’ must be included and used meaningfully throughout the learning objectives.
 6 objectives are needed for full-day workshops/proposals
 12 objectives are needed for two-day workshops/proposals
 18 objectives are needed for three-day workshops/proposals
• Citation for 3-5 sources. At least three of which must be published within the last ten years in contemporary peer-reviewed scientific literature or publications which support the content of your program. No more than one can be your own publication. 
• If applicable, a summary of how this presentation addresses and expands the therapists’ multicultural/diversity competency
• A brief description of how you will use your time (lecture, group discussion, experiential, etc.)
• Media, audio/video or other technology you will require to successfully deliver content
• Any space requirements
• Description of any additional materials you will need (expressive arts materials, yoga mats, etc.)

The Firefly Institute education committee will review all proposals and respond within 2-4 weeks upon receipt. If accepted, you will be asked to schedule your workshop/event and a speaking contract will be provided. 

Two weeks prior to the event:
• Handouts, PowerPoint or any other materials must be provided to the institute. Attendees will be provided a copy of your handouts/materials as indicated.
o PowerPoint handouts will be limited to 40 pages
o Additional handouts are limited to 20 pages
o Handout materials over these requirements are the speaker’s responsibility. Firefly will contact you with these details should the need arise.
o All handouts must be accurate for the information being presented, have empirical statements, describe any limitations or ethical issues and include appropriate citations
o Presentations must be at a post-graduate level (instructions, handouts, etc.)

Firefly Proposal Criteria (PDF) APA: Writing Behavioral Objectives

Online Proposal Submission

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